Saturday, June 21, 2014

My wishes for this upcoming year......

This will be year two of our 1:1 project.  Year one was not exactly what I signed up to leave my classroom for.  I did a lot of work with broken iPads - inventory of iPads and general management of iPads from a software perspective.  I hope now that we have some of our basics down I can get to the meat of what I think this position should be - which is supporting teachers.

I will use so many of the resources from this class in supporting them.  I have already given some of the links and articles to the computer science teacher about digital citizenship.  I will pass along a lot of the PD articles to our principal and VP.  I will use them myself as well, just to know how to approach the teachers who are a little uncomfortable or resistant.

My favorite items have been the creative resources or classroom ideas that I can share and help implement.  I want this project to be a success so we have to make up for our lack of knowledge in year one.  This is another reason why I am making tutorials for the parents and hosting parent nights when school starts back up.  People are usually more accepting once they understand what the technology is used for and how to use it themselves. Some of these videos will be my stakeholder project - as I have chosen parents as my stakeholder group.

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